Admissions process
Prep School Admissions Process
We welcome application into our Prep School across all ages and we would love to see you. Do please come and visit the School. A website and a prospectus do not show the whole picture and we thoroughly enjoy showing parents and pupils around what we consider to be a very happy place.
Applications for places are accepted at all ages provided there is sufficient room within the year group and the child is old enough to join our Nursery.
Admissions to Nursery:
In the Nursery there is a new intake each term. Children are eligible to join the Nursery at 3 years of age. As long as a child is old enough, children may join throughout the year if spaces are available. Children should aim to spend a minimum of 6 sessions per week with us. Parents will then receive an invitation to bring their child for a taster session to take place in the term before they wish to start.
They will also be sent a booklet to be completed at home prior to the taster day (“All About Me”). Information within the booklet will be shared during the taster day.
Our Nursery takes pupils from age 3 onwards and we have extended our Early Years Entitlement to offer up to 30 hours per week for those families who are eligible.
Do contact our Admissions Team on 01823 668803 or for more information on the Early Years Entitlement.
Admissions to Reception - Year 6
If places are available, pupils may enter at any age and time during the academic year.
On completion of an application form and payment of the required registration fee, pupils will be registered for entry at a particular date.
The school is academically selective and it reserves the right to refuse entry to those children not reaching the required standard. Children will be invited to spend a day in an appropriate class in order to get to know their peer group by working and socialising alongside them during a normal school day. Over the course of the day the necessary assessment will take place, which will usually be informal observations of a child’s ability and disposition.