Clubs and Activities

Clubs & Activities


We are pleased to offer an exciting and extensive range of before and after school clubs as part of the school day. Great care is taken to ensure that the range of clubs available satisfies our children's tastes and preferences.

The clubs are individually organised by our superb team of teachers and support staff and this allows the children to feel comfortable and continue those relationships beyond the regular school day.
The range of clubs and activities broadens as children progress through the school.  Children in the Early Years enjoy the ‘Activities Club’, which gives them a choice of different things to do, from dressing up to cooking to craft activities. For our Pre-Prep and Prep Years, clubs include the opportunity to develop school activities, such as sports squads, orchestra, choir, drama and swimming to the less familiar, such as mindfulness, ‘Horrible Histories’ and survival.  It is also worth noting that the vast majority of clubs carry no additional charge. 

The formal school day for children in the Early Years and the Infants finishes at 3.30pm and 3.45pm for children in Years 3-6,  at which point children are either collected or taken to their after school clubs.  As well as the wide range of after school clubs, a supervised homework session takes place every afternoon for children in the Middle and Prep Years, providing a great opportunity to get homework done at school with some support, if needed.  Clubs usually run for an hour and at the end of the club children are either collected and signed out by parents. 

Please email for more information.

Star Club

STAR club runs from 5.00 to 6.00pm and provides a homely setting where WPS children of all ages have time to read, play and relax in much the same way that they might do if they were at home at that time of day. 
All the children staying for STAR Club enjoy a nutritious and healthy light meal. A range of sandwiches, homemade cake, fruit and drinks are prepared by our catering team.
Children can be booked in to STAR Club as far in advance as parents wish either by email or by phoning the Prep School Office.  The Club automatically looks after any children who are not collected at their usual time, which provides parents with the reassurance that if they are delayed for any reason, their children will be well looked after.
The email address is: