Transition to the Senior School

Transition to the Senior School

Moving on to Year 7 is a big step and we want to provide every opportunity for you to find out more about the Senior School and everything we have to offer here. We start this process in Year 5. These pupils will start to come over to the Senior School for some lessons, use the Science labs, Drama facilities, Sports fields and Art & DT.

In order to make this as smooth as possible, we run a number of activities which are designed to allow parents and children to become familiar with the School and alleviate any worries. You will have many opportunities to visit the School and meet key staff and throughout the whole process you will be sent information and receive invitations for all the following events;

Information and Activities

Open Morning



Open Morning



Taster Day


All Year 6 pupils will be invited to come and enjoy a day in the Senior School participating in activities they do not normally encounter.


Information Evening

November – An introduction to the Lower School (Year 7/8), information on the entrance exam and entrance procedures and a chance to meet staff and pupils.



Entry Procedure

Entrance Exam


Scholarship Assessments






Before moving up…

Welcome Evening


June – Come for dinner, meet the staff and all the new pupils who will be starting together.

Leavers’ lunch


Last day of term, all Year 6 pupils come to a lunch with their parents before Commemoration Day and Prize-giving


Induction Day

A day in School before the rest of the pupils return.




First weeks of term…

Overnight Camping Trip

All Year 7 pupils and house staff – first week of term – bonding exercise.


Meet the Tutors


Second week of term - A welcome to all new parents and a chance to see how the pastoral system works.


Open Evening


“Bring your Parents to School!”



After this, there will be the regular round of Parent’s Evenings, regular grades and reports and ongoing contact with your child’s tutor.


For many, the prospect of leaving the small, safe environment of the Prep School may seem a little daunting and we want to ensure you have as much information, support and help as possible in making the next step a happy and successful one for your child.