Safeguarding, Child Protection And Online Safety
Ensuring the safety and welfare of all our pupils at Wellington School is our core purpose. It is our aim to know everyone as an individual and to provide a secure and caring environment so that every pupil can learn in safety.
Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone's responsibility; all members of staff have a duty to safeguard our pupils' welfare and are trained to do so.
In all matters relating to safeguarding and child protection, the School will follow the procedures laid down by our own (or where appropriate the relevant child's) Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB) which is Somerset Safeguarding Children Partnership together with DfE guidance contained in Working Together to Safeguard Children (2018) and Keeping Children Safe in Education: (KCSIE 2024).
You can view our Safeguarding Policy and Child Protection Procedures on the right of this page.
If anyone has a concern about the safety or welfare of a pupil, they have a duty to report this concern.
At Wellington School safeguarding is taught across the curriculum, in PSHE and in assemblies. In addition to this at the beginning of each school year all year groups have a scheduled safeguarding assembly which outlines who they should speak to if they have a concern. A copy of the power point can be found on the right of this page.
At Wellington, concerns should be reported to one of the Safeguarding Leads who are:
Wellington School – Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs S Dean, Head of Upper School
01823 668709
Wellington School – Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mr Alex Kemp, Deputy Head (Pastoral)
01823 668891
Wellington School - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (Sixth Form)
Mrs Lucy MacAlister, Head of Sixth Form
01823 668815
Wellington School – Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (Lower School)
Mr Jason Swarbrick, Head of Lower School
01823 668800
Wellington School – Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (Boarding)
Mr Simon Costello, Head of Boarding
01823 668810
Wellington Prep School – Designated Safeguarding Lead
For children in Nursery: Mrs Rachel Lucas
For children in Reception to Year 6: Mrs Vics Richardson
Nominated Safeguarding Governor
Mrs S Merry
If you do not wish to contact the School, you may contact the Somerset Local Children Safeguarding Partnership instead: 0300 123 2224
Online Safety
If you have concerns about online safety, you should report this to the School. However, you (adult or pupil) can report your concerns to CEOP, Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre by clicking the link below. You can visit the CEOP website at
Further details about the School’s approach to Safeguarding and Child Protection can be found in the Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
The School is committed to ensuring all pupils have a sound awareness of the environment in which we live. Our aim is to help one another navigate the digital world, being mindful of the dangers and making the most of the positive aspects.
Students are taught an awareness of safety and welfare online across the curriculum but with a focus in PSHEE. PSHEE lessons have covered topics such as the use of social media, use of mobile phones and the dangers of online-grooming and sexting.
For further details on our PSHEE curriculum please follow the link on the right hand side of this page.
You can read our online safety bulletins for parents below;
Online Safety Bulletin - Sextortion
Online Safety Bulletin - Social Media
Online Safety Bulletin - Be Real
Online Safety Bulletin - Ipad Safety
Online Safety Bulletin - Screentime Guidance
Online Safety Bulletin - Discord
Online Safety - Roblox, Managing Device Anxiety
The following links provide more information and useful background.