Sports Fixtures and Results
Sports Fixtures & Results
We celebrate all levels of sporting success at Wellington Prep. Every pupil gets the opportunity to represent the school in competitive fixtures with the emphasis on building teamwork, sportsmanship and improving their individual sport specific skills.
Our weekly ‘Sport Star of the Week’ is presented at our Celebration Assembly acknowledges and outstanding contributions to school sport – effort, selflessness and teamwork are just as important as individual or team success.
Match reports are displayed proudly on our school sport noticeboard and on our school website, as well as match results published in our weekly newsletter ‘The Eagle’.
Colours are awarded each term to individuals who have contributed to both team and individual sport and are worn proudly on school blazers. We appoint Sport Captains termly who provide invaluable support to the children and to the staff!
As well as our termly house matches, we have several popular school sport events are enjoyed by all of our pupils. In February ‘The Lungley Dash’ allows the children to represent their House and run the school cross country course. Our annual sports day is always a firm favourite with pupils from Nursery to Year 6 competing in a range of track and field events. The annual Aquathon swim-run race is always a very popular event giving our pupils the opportunity to combine their strengths in both running and swimming. We also have an enjoyable Swimming Gala where all of the children in Years 3 to 6 represent their house in a number of different swimming events.