

Enabling all our children to understand the positive differences they can make for those who are less fortunate than themselves is an important aspect of a Wellington education.  

Supporting those whose lives are affected by disaster, sickness, disability and poverty is everyone's responsibility.  In an average year the children regularly raise over £6000 for charity, the majority coming from the Swimathon that takes place in May. The whole School swims and aims to complete a distance of over 180 miles, the age of the school.

We have strong links with the ARC (formerly Taunton Association for the Homeless), which is the focus of our Harvest collections and our children also take pride in responding to events that affect us locally and affect members of our school family.  Our School Council plays in important role in the discussions, decisions and distribution of our charitable funds, particularly when responding to local needs.
However, with so many good causes to consider, we focus the bulk of our fundraising efforts on two charities each year; one which is focused on the UK and one with an international focus.  These are selected through our Charity Speeches programme, during which each child in Year 6 will research and present a charity to their peers, culminating in the most popular charities being presented to all the children in the Prep School.  After these final presentations each member of the Prep School votes for the UK and international charities to decide which will be adopted by the School for that year.
As well ensuring that our children are well informed about the aims of our main school charities, this process enables us to focus our fundraising efforts in order to build up really strong links between the school and the charities over the course of a year, enabling our children to learn more about how and where their fundraising is spent.
Our Wall of Giving shows the charities that we have supported over the past five years.

This year we are supporting:

The World Wildlife Trust

Crisis -See our Crisis Sleep Out Video opposite

British Heart Foundation.