

All our heads of department are committed, enthusiastic and passionate about their subjects.

The School has dedicated buildings for Maths, Science, Modern Languages, English, Individual Learning, Music, Art, Design & Technology and RS, as well as excellent facilities for all other subjects.

All departments feed into the overall curriculum and our School is notable for its breadth. We want our boys and girls to discover and develop individual talents in order to make appropriate choices for GCSE. In recent years we have invested in new facilities to improve teaching and learning across the whole school, and staff are always happy to discuss their subjects with parents and pupils.
We have a reputation for academic excellence but we are not a hot house. We believe that education should travel far beyond the confines of the syllabus and the classroom. Minds are opened and spirits enriched by opportunities for sport, the creative and expressive arts and the pursuit of learning in all its diverse forms. Here we want students to feel sufficiently secure to explore something new, to take a risk or to challenge an idea and to have the space and support to develop their own initiatives. We hope all will explore the meaning or our motto, Nisi Dominus Frustra, ‘Apart from the Lord, all our labour is in vain’ and begin to discover for themselves who they are, with the responsibilities that entails in a changing world, leaving school equipped for service and leadership.