

Our team of Economics students finished in the top 10% in the Student Investor Challenge.

“There’s not a single person in the world who could make a lead pencil” (Milton Freidman)

Remarkable statement? Not really….

Economics is centred around one problem, ‘the Economic Problem’.  How do we fulfil the infinite wants in the world with limited resources?  The answer is through the magic of the price system. Literally thousands of people bring their specialities from around the world to interact and help match demand with supply. Economics is a study of wealth creation and resource allocation with reference to consumer and producer behaviour within a given economic system.

The nature of this course is very much about developing students’ powers of analysis and evaluation within an economics context. Economics theory underpins everything that students experience but this is essentially an applied course. The subject content is brought to life using case material relating to real issues of the day. Perhaps most importantly, economics students are encouraged to value the theoretical framework that enables meaningful conclusions to arise from unclear situations – the very essence of rigorous study in this social science.

Pupils are encouraged to watch the news and apply their knowledge to the economic changes which occur daily. Lively debates and presentations have centred around issues such as Brexit, the cost of oil, the impact of Covid and how the war in the Ukraine has impacted inflation.

Economics is taught A Level only, in well-equipped classrooms using a range of learning activities and resources. The department organises trips, speakers and essay competitions to enhance the overall experience.

Studying Economics at Wellington will mean that pupils are well equipped to gain at excellent grade, but also build skills to take with them into the competitive world that awaits them.