Scholarships and Bursaries

Scholarships and Bursaries

Wellington School is pleased to be able to offer a number of scholarships to pupils coming into the school. These will be awarded to high achieving pupils who will demonstrate outstanding ability, performance and/or potential and bring distinction and commitment to the school through their achievements.

Scholarships are offered to recognise ability and potential in the following areas:
Academic, Music, Sport, Drama, Performing Arts and Art & Design.

Pupils applying for Sport, Music, Drama, Performing Arts and Art & Design scholarships must fulfil the academic requirements of the school.

Scholarships are offered for entry into Year 7, Year 9 and the Sixth Form.

For further information on scholarships and bursaries for the academic year 2025/26 please see the brochures at the end of this page or contact the Admissions Team ( / 01823 668803).


All parents are entitled to submit a means-testing form for bursarial assistance. Bursaries will be reviewed annually to ensure the award is still appropriate.

Parents are welcome to contact the Director of Finance with any queries in relation to the bursary application process.

Scholarship Examination and Assessment Dates

Year 7 Entrance and Scholarship Exam - Saturday 18 January 2025

Year 7 Pupil Entrance Meetings - 20 and 21 January 2025

Scholarship Assessments - 20 and 21 January 2025

Year 9 Entrance and Scholarship Exam -   1 February 2025

Scholarship Assessments –   3 and 4 February 2025

Sixth Form Scholarship Exams and Assessments – To be arranged individually with candidates

The Process

A candidate must be registered with Wellington School in order to submit a scholarship application. A registration form and a fee of £100 should be submitted to the Registrar.

An appropriate application must be made before the closing dates. Application forms for each level of entry are available from the website or from the Registrar. All applicants should provide a copy of their latest school report and copies of any certificates that are relevant to the application. Any other testimonials and demonstrations of ability are welcomed.

When all the assessments and examinations in each year group of entry have been completed, appropriate senior staff meet to discuss all applications and assessment outcomes.

Awards are made based upon performance in the examination/assessment/interview and supporting documentation submitted.

Year 7 Admissions Process and Scholarships

Year 9 Admissions Process and Scholarships

Sixth Form Admissions Process and Scholarships