

The School Governors are all volunteers who give of their time generously. The Governing Body consists of 7 nominated Governors and up to 9 co-opted making up to 16 in total.

The 7 nominated Governors are appointed by respectively, the Old Wellingtonians, the Friends of Wellington School, The Lord Bishop of Bath and Wells, Wellington Town Council, a Higher Education Institution (currently the University of Bristol), and 2 by, but not of, the teaching staff.

The Governing Body is responsible for setting the strategic direction of the School and appointing the Head. They work closely with the Heads and the members of the Senior Leadership Team monitoring school policies; exercising constructive oversight of academic standards and pastoral matters including welfare and health and safety; overseeing financial planning for the maintenance and development of school facilities and for ensuring the recruitment of high quality staff.

Close attention is given for ensuring that within the Governing Body there is a diversity of views, experience and skills including representation of views of parents. The Governors offer support and advice and are a sounding board for the development of new ideas.

Ms A Govey

Joint Vice Chairs
Rear Admiral R Harding and Mr R Palfrey
