Head's Blog
Head's Blog
Inter-Generational Leadership In Action
As I was walking back from lunch one day this week, I discovered one of the classroom doors was ajar and some students were in there. ‘What’s going on in there’ I thought and decided to explore further. In what turned out to be an appropriate action, I ‘hit the gap’ and entered the room - hiding at the back of the boys’ 1st XV student-led discussion for their game on Saturday; it felt as though the young man leading the discussion at the time (Fin) was at least 25. And then Mr Garrett lent across to put the icing on the cake by saying his role as a coach was ‘to be redundant’; I promised not to take that literally! I was inspired; it was inter-generational leadership in action. Having watched some of the girls’ hockey training recently too, I know we’re in for a treat on the weekend. Isn’t Wellington just full of wonderful surprises.
The End Of Term Marked By Putting Up Of Marquee
The marquee is up, which means that Commemoration Day is almost here. There is always a sense of celebration at this time of the academic year. Exams are behind us, and the summer holiday is in touching distance. Everything seems to be good and well in the world.
Next Friday’s ‘Commem’ is an opportunity to acknowledge and applaud our pupils’ many talents. A range of prizes are awarded, and we seek to recognise both effort and achievement. It is probably worth pointing out that we award colours for co-curricular contributions at a whole-school assembly on Wednesday morning. If we tried to do everything in one sitting, we would be in the marquee for many hours.
There will be a variety of events in the marquee next week and I do hope that you are able to join us for what will be a happy end to a successful term.
The Importance Of Our Vote - Election Candidates Quizzed By Students
On Tuesday we welcomed five parliamentary candidates to the School. The Conservative, Green, Labour, Liberal Democrat and Reform Parties were represented, and each candidate was given 20 minutes to address pupils and staff, and to take questions.
I was so impressed by how engaged our Sixth Form students were. They asked intelligent questions and had the confidence to challenge the candidates in a respectful and appropriate way. It was also very good to see some younger pupils in the Great Hall.
Next week will see us running mock hustings and Members of the Sixth Form have volunteered to represent each of the parties listed above. Representatives will take part in a lunch time debate on pre-set questions and will then take follow-up questions from the floor. The debate and questions will be sandwiched between opening and closing statements from each candidate. An exit poll will take place, and our mock election will be held on Tuesday 2nd July. Results will be announced in Final Assembly the next day.
General elections have taken place around the world this year, with those held in South Africa and India getting a lot of attention in the news. America will go to the polls in November. Democracy can sometimes feel a little chaotic, and it certainly has the potential to throw up some surprise results. It seems more important than ever that we engage with the issues at hand and use our vote as we see best.
2 Bare Feet Week Develops Resilience And Independence
This week saw pupils in Years 7 and 8 taking part in our first ‘2 bare feet week’. A key objective of the week has been to give pupils the opportunity to connect with nature without any interference from screens. On Monday, Year 7 left for Bantham for two nights of camping, and a schedule which included surfing, hiking, yoga on the beach and singing songs around the campfire - and cold showers and composting toilets, too! Year 8 left for their adventure on Wednesday. In addition to camping, pupils have done biology and geography field work and taken part in a ‘Sports Olympics’ event.
In responding to the various opportunities and challenges they faced, we hope that every pupil has learnt more about themselves, connected with nature, grown their resilience and independence and had lots of fun with friends. Another vital component of the camping element of the ‘2 bare feet week’ has been the writing of letters. Parents and relatives were invited to write a letter to their child sharing why they love them, what their hopes are for them, and how they see them being part of their wider family – or anything else they wanted to say. Pupils were then given these letters and asked to sit quietly on their own while reading them. Every child was then invited to write a reply to their parents, which they will give to them at a cream tea event this afternoon.
The idea of writing letters came from what some schools in South Africa and Australia do. A deep connection with nature and the opportunity for family to openly share, in writing, their love, hopes and dreams with their children, is seen as something of a rite of passage.
An enormous amount of work went into organising the ‘2 bare feet week’ and I am immensely grateful to Nigel Renyard and Jason Swarbrick for the many hours they dedicated to putting everything in place. I am also very grateful to every member of staff who camped, walked, sang and supported our pupils as they put two bare feet onto the earth.
Free Speech And Democratic Principles
Images of D-Day veterans on the beaches of Normandy this past week have been very moving. The ever-shrinking group of soldiers who were part of the largest amphibious invasion in the history of warfare are able to share accounts of their experience which are inspiring and humbling in equal measure. Their courage, and the courage of their comrades in arms who did not survive Operation Overlord, was quite remarkable.
While watching documentaries and news articles about D-Day, we have also been able to observe political leaders and candidates arguing the merits of their policies as the election gets into full swing. Democracy prompts debate and we will be providing pupils with the opportunity to better understand democratic principles and processes, and the choices faced by the country in the weeks ahead. These will include holding assemblies, inviting party candidates to the School and organising a mock election.
Pride Month started at the beginning of June and, at Monday’s Headmaster’s Assembly, our School Captains spoke with conviction about challenging stereotypes, and creating openness, understanding and empathy across our communities.
I suggest that we owe an eternal debt to those brave soldiers who stormed the beaches of Normandy – and to all those soldiers who fought, and continue to fight, tyranny around the world. It is because of their courage in standing up to those who would seek to take away choice, free speech and democratic principles, that we are able to live as we do today. We must never, ever take what these brave souls did, or the freedoms and privileges which we enjoy today, for granted.
Sports Day - Camaraderie And Team Spirit
Whilst appreciating that running around a track, jumping into a pit of sand or hurling a shot is not everyone’s cup of tea, there is something wonderful about a sports day. This afternoon will see pupils of all ages and abilities giving their all for their Houses, and encouraging their friends as they take part in various events.
So, what is it about a sports day that makes it such a lovely way to end the half-term? Camaraderie and team spirit are key components, as is giving your best for your team – even if you are taking part in an event which you would not normally ever do. Older pupils get to practice their leadership skills as teams get organised and last-minute changes to the team sheet are made. Parents get to see their children running, leaping and throwing and staff have an afternoon officiating, encouraging and cajoling as needed. Hopefully, this all happens in glorious sunshine!
In short, sports days bring people together. They allow us to forget about our ‘to do’ lists for an afternoon and remind us of the importance of having fun and finding joy in the midst of full and busy lives.
Growing From Facing Challenges
In this week’s Year 11 and Upper Sixth chapel services I spoke about rising to the challenge external examinations present. There is, of course, stress associated with exams. However, a change of perspective can see a challenge becoming an opportunity, and I am confident that those pupils writing their GCSE, BTEC and A Level exams over the coming weeks will seize the opportunity to put their best foot forward.
On the topic of challenges, our Ten Tors teams are out on the Moor this weekend. Two teams will hike the 35 mile course, with one taking on the 45 mile route. Every pupil has trained hard to prepare for this special event and we wish them well. Not everyone was able to be selected to take part this weekend, and we applaud the considerable effort put in by everyone who did not make the teams.
The final point on the theme of challenges lies with ‘rockets’. Last weekend saw a group of Lower Sixth students being tasked with sending an unboiled egg up to 825 feet, then parachuting it down in a 45 second journey time. Our team of budding aeronautical engineers have done superbly well to reach the national finals of this competition, and we wish them well for the final, which will be held in June.
We grow from facing challenges. They can be daunting and difficult, but we learn so much about ourselves by facing them.
Harnessing The Positive Aspects of AI
This week I attended an HMC conference which focussed on artificial intelligence. It was fascinating, bamboozling, inspiring and challenging in equal measure. There is so much being written and spoken about on the topic, and I am determined to do all I can to better understand the opportunities and threats associated with AI.
As I see it, AI is an extension of a societal pursuit which has spanned the ages: how can we do things faster and better? Whether it be travelling from one part of the world to another or communicating instantly, humankind has constantly sought to reduce ‘friction’ as we go about our lives. AI extends this arc, allowing us to process vast amounts of data and identify trends and connections almost instantly. It can enhance our efficiency, performance and productivity. Just like being able to fly around the world or videocall friends in far-flung destinations, AI could be a tool which improves our lives.
However, AI does present some serious challenges and these need to be carefully considered. The ethics of AI is a topic of considerable discussion, as is the danger of bias within AI platforms. The ability of ‘bad actors’ to harness the power of AI is a grave concern. How might deep fakes and AI generated social media impact elections around the world this year? What about the wellbeing of young people, whose social media platforms are backed up by AI informed algorithms. Will governments have the ability to put in place suitable regulation to protect wider society from these ills?
We have been discussing AI at school for some time now, and a range of colleagues are actively exploring how we can support pupils’ learning by effectively harnessing the positive aspects of this new technological tool. AI is here to stay, so we need to understand it. As one speaker on Wednesday said, ‘get digital or be digitised’.
Space To Connect
In June, our Year 7 and 8 pupils will be taking part in a wellbeing residential and enquiry week. Pupils will be camping, doing some outdoor academic study and taking part in the ‘Welly Inter- House Olympics’. We are calling it the ‘2 bare feet’ week because an important element of the exercise is getting youngsters into the great outdoors and more directly in contact with mother nature.
No mobile phones or devices will be allowed in camp and pupils will be taking part in a range of fun activities, including yoga, surfing, walking and beach games. There are a number of objectives we are trying to achieve during the camping trip. We obviously want pupils to have fun and enjoy themselves. On top of that, we are aiming to develop pupils’ confidence, independence and self-sufficiency.
A special feature of their time away will see pupils receiving letters from their parents and extended family. The purpose of these letters is to affirm pupils and give family and loved ones the opportunity to explicitly share with every child all the good points they see in them. Pupils will write a letter to their parents and share it with them on their return from camp.
It is good to keep kids busy; we all know that idle hands can make mischief. It is wonderful that our pupils have so many opportunities; they are talented, and we want them to achieve to the very best of their ability. However, it is important that we give our young people the chance to get away from schedules, timetables and routine. It is essential that we offer them the space to connect with nature and, most importantly, better understand themselves and their place in this world.
Offering Support And Encouragement
This weekend will see over 50 000 runners gathering in Greenwich Park to start the London Marathon. It is an incredible event to watch and, whether in the elite race or running the course dressed as a rhinoceros, every athlete contributes in their own way to a very special occasion. The crowds lining the 26 miles through our capital add a special magic, and I have no doubt that everyone’s loud and cheerful encouragement gives sore feet and weary legs a much-needed boost.
The theme of offering support and encouragement to those around you is one I spoke about at our start of term assembly. In addition to citing how cheering crowds boost weary runners as they complete a marathon, I also referred to a movie we watched over Easter. ‘True Spirit’ is a true story about Jessica Watson, a 16-year-old sailor, who was awarded the Order of Australia Medal after a solo circumnavigation of the world. Jessica went around the world, on her own, on a boat called ‘Ella’s Pink Lady’, which was only 10 metres long, in 210 days.
One of the scenes in the movie is set during a severe storm. Jessica has sealed the boat as best as she is able. Her vessel is being tossed around on the raging waters, and she is obviously very scared. What does she do? She uses her satellite phone to reach out to her family. She phones home and asks her family to just talk to her, to tell her stories, jokes – whatever – and to just be with her over the phone as she makes her way through a very scary time.
To quote ABBA, who, 50 years ago to the month, won Eurovision in Brighton:
People need hope, people need lovin'
People need trust from a fellow man
People need love to make a good livin'
People need faith in a helping hand
Hard Work And Commitment
Last week the School was full of enthusiastic chatter about the three brilliant performances of ‘Chicago’. The famous Broadway musical came to Wellington and reviews were glowing. Roxie Hart, Velma Kelly, Billy Flynn and the rest of the cast of well-known characters – together with our Big Band – brought to life, through word and song, themes of fame, manipulation and corruption. What a treat it was to be able to watch such a famous show being performed in our own Great Hall, and how lovely it was to welcome residents from a local care home to enjoy Tuesday’s full dress rehearsal. Our sincere thanks and congratulations to all the staff and pupils creating such a special show.
This Tuesday our Under 14 netball team continued their winning streak in their national competition. The team won the Bowl semi-final of the South against Dunottar School, who travelled to Wellington from Reigate. Our girls played wonderfully, and their skill and teamwork saw them through to a well-deserved victory. The team travel to Loughborough next week to meet the other three finalists in the national final. What a fantastic achievement for our players and their coaches, and we wish them all the very best of luck for next Thursday.
These impressive success stories – and all the others enjoyed across a range of activities at Wellington – would not happen without a huge amount of hard work and commitment. Thank you and well done to our pupils, staff and parents – what a great team!
International Women's Day
A little while ago, a group of girls made an appointment to see me to discuss a concern they had about a particular school rule. Why, they asked me, do girls have to wear their hair up all the time? They made a very eloquent and persuasive argument as to why they felt this rule should no longer be in place.
I was so impressed by the way in which the girls handled themselves and by how they presented their cases in a mature and constructive fashion. On the back of the points they and their peers made, senior leaders decided to change the rule and to allow girls to wear their hair down – unless they were playing sport, or working in the a science lab or a DT workshop.
Today is International Women’s Day and it is wonderful that the achievements of women are being recognised and applauded. Stories of successful women in all areas of endeavour inspire girls and, hopefully, see them feeling empowered to pursue their dreams. Famous female figures play a crucial role in changing the mindsets of girls of all ages. Strong female role models see younger girls feeling able to confidently walk into a Head’s office and successfully make the case for change. That’s wonderful.
Do The Little Things
This week our House chapel services have been led by pupils from Price’s, and they have spoken very well about Saint David, the patron saint of Wales, who died on 1st March 589. The important message we heard from pupils about marking St David’s Day was that we should try to follow St David’s advice in seeking ‘to do the little things’.
These ‘little things’ can apply to small acts of kindness, which can brighten someone else’s day. Whether it be holding the door open, offering a kind word of encouragement or giving a friend or loved one a hug, ‘doing the little things’ can make a big difference.
Doing little things for ourselves can also play a critical role in making sure that we feel positive about life. Going for a walk, stopping to admire a sunset or making time to simply sit still for a little while can be our way of being kind to ourselves.
I was very grateful to be invited to watch and judge a Lower Sixth debate in a history lesson today. Students did an excellent job in presenting their arguments, and it was a pleasure to offer feedback on their performance. The small act of inviting me to attend a lesson had a really positive impact on my day.
It is a pure coincidence that the daily quote on my desk speaks to the principle of small actions making a big difference: “Great works are performed not by strength, but by perseverance; yonder palace was raised by single stones, yet you see its height and spaciousness.” (Samuel Johnson)
I learnt about ‘adultification’ while on a safeguarding course last week. Essentially, it means that children are seen as being more grown up than they actually are. The risks associated with adultification is that adults do not provide young people with the support, care, guidance and boundaries which they need to stay safe and well.
Having unreasonable expectations of young people could be conscious and deliberate, and those situations can quickly lead to safeguarding alarms sounding e.g. young people being expected to look after even younger siblings, or to care for adults who have complex needs. These circumstances can be complex and see external agencies intervening as deemed appropriate.
However, can adultification be more subtle and insidious? Can unrealistic expectations of young people be a lot more mainstream and everyday than we think? Are our young people mature enough to effectively manage their incredibly powerful mobile devices, through which they can access myriad social media platforms? Do they have the ability to filter and block the seemingly never-ending stream of bad news, which can cause stress and anxiety? What are highly sexualised adverts and song lyrics teaching them about self-image and healthy relationships? Do young people get enough sleep each night, and do they understand the consequences of not doing so? What about access to alcohol?
Are we, as a society, expecting too much of our children? I am not talking about having high expectations of young people in terms of behaviour, manners and their attitude at school. I am asking whether society has forgotten that children are not adults, and that the expectations we have of older people do not equate to what youngsters can deal with and these expectations are very often not in their best interests.
Reminding Ourselves On The Importance Of Being
If you made any, how are your New Year resolutions holding up? Did you set yourself any challenges for January? How did that go? I have heard some people say that last month flew by; others have said that it seemed to be go on and on and on…
Whatever the case, February is upon us, 2024 is well under way and ‘Actions’ and ‘To do’ lists are as prominent a part of life as ever. To ‘do’ and ‘achieve’ can be a mindset, and there is no doubt that it is in ‘doing’ and ‘achieving’ that we, well, get things done and achieve objectives. A sense of purpose, and the forward momentum which achieving goals generates, is surely a good thing.
But, is there a risk that in focusing on ‘doing’ and ‘achieving’ we forget about an equally critical component of our lives: ‘being’. Working towards our goals can be a fairly linear business; we set a goal and we work hard in achieving it. Sure, there are ups and downs along the way, and we may get a bit stressed and tired as we apply ourselves, but we have a goal and we are set on getting a job done. Doing is about getting from Point A to Point B, but it can exact a toll. Stress, fatigue, anxiety, imbalance, unhealthy coping mechanisms to name only a few.
Perhaps we need to remind ourselves of the importance of ‘being’ a little more often. In the busyness of life, let's all remember to find time to check in with our mental and physical health, to invest in our relationships with family and friends (and ourselves), to find comfort in nature or to enjoy a good book or favourite film.
Dr Aric Sigman On Teenage Addiction
I heard Dr Aric Sigman speak a few years ago and he was excellent. Dr Sigman was presenting on ‘discretionary screen time’ and his insights and perspectives on young peoples’ relationships with their device was fascinating. What made Dr Sigman’s presentation all the more compelling was how he used neuroscientific data to support his observations and recommendations.
Screen time and vaping will be the key topics of discussion when Dr Sigman presents to parents. I really do encourage parents to set time aside to listen to what Dr Sigman has to say about these very important topics. Dr Sigman will be talking with pupils throughout the day next Wednesday, with the contents of his presentations being amended depending on the age-group he is addressing.
Screens are pervasive in our society and social media can create all sorts of difficulties for our young people. The risks of vaping appear to be a growing concern and serious questions have to be asked about what young people are actually putting into their bodies when they vape.
Screen time and vaping are topics which we have deliberately asked Dr Sigman to discuss, and I am confident that his views and advice will be of great help to us all as we look to support young people in effectively navigating their way through complex challenges.
Stand Up, Don't Stand By
The theme of this term's whole-school assembly was ‘community’ and we heard from different speakers about the importance of working together and supporting one another. The Prep School’s Head Boy and Head Girl read a lovely poem about being a community, Mrs Richardson highlighted those ingredients she feels are central to being a member of the Prep School and the Senior School Captains spoke about the importance of being kind, striving to be the best version of yourself and respecting one another. I used my address to the School to urge everyone to ‘stand up and not stand by’ if they see any behaviour which may cause upset or harm to others, or which sees anyone disrespecting the fabric of the School.
One of the best parts of my job is saying ‘well done’ to pupils for their efforts and achievements. These efforts and achievements confirm that we are kind, work hard, give our all and see the best in one another. I know that we appreciate the many opportunities available to us and that we enjoy being part of the Wellington School community. All this makes our school a very special place to be.
A strong sense of community is central to our ethos, and everyone plays a part in maintaining and enhancing it. Thank you for your support and for the role you play in strengthening our community.
Celebrating Our Shared Humanity
Last weekend saw Diwali being celebrated – a festival of lights, which symbolises the victory of good over evil, knowledge over ignorance and light over dark. It is India’s most important festival of the year. While it was not directly linked to Diwali, our Year 9 pupils enjoyed a ‘Bhangra Bash’ on Wednesday evening. It was a wonderfully joyful and fun event, which saw pupils wearing beautiful outfits, and an instructor helping them learn some impressive dance moves. There was so much energy and enthusiasm in the room, and kids and colleagues had great fun.
We are so fortunate to welcome pupils to Wellington from nearly 40 countries around the world. Our international community brings such richness and diversity to Wellington, and it is a delight to see how pupils from all over the world forming friendships and working together.
Highlighting differences can have devastating consequences. While I believe that we must recognise and respect what makes individuals and cultures distinct, focusing excessively on our differences can be a recipe for disaster. I argue that there is always so much more that binds us, that our shared hopes and aspirations can unite us. Focusing on what brings us together sees us able to celebrate our shared humanity, and that can only see us being stronger and more successful.